Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's Almost Here!

The time is almost upon us...

Preparations are being made...

The chances for prizes are high...

Have arrived...

It's time to prepare for the biggest party in the Spiral, The Ravenwood Ball!
Not only is there a chance for prizes (which is always nice), but there will be parties and wizards to meet galore!. All of this happens on just one night, August 11, 2012.

It's on that day the hundreds of wizards will meet in Ravenwood to celebrate. And the chance to get your prizes are here ->

Head over there and let the excitement begin. Whether you're going to host a party, go to a party, or just hang out at the school. There's something for everyone!

(oh, and today is the last day to vote on the poll)

Until next time,

M. Trollfriend
The Innkeeper

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